Saturday 30 June 2012

Altair finished

I painted again this morning and finished Altair:

Friday 29 June 2012

Another Altair and Ezio

I'm at Hop Farm festival this weekend - just couldn't resist going; Athlete, Jose Gonzales, the Stranglers, Bob Dylan and I Am Kloot to name but a few! I've brought Guitaroo Man to paint, and 2 A4 Altair and Ezio to paint in the mornings while I wait for Kev to wake up. I started an Altair this morning:

Sunday 24 June 2012

Welsh cave

I've just realised I've never posted about this painting. I'm currently not too well - ME flare-up due to doing far too much last week - so I've been just sitting for a few days, which is a bit boring.

I realised I'd missed posting this when I met my friend Rachael last night. She's a wonderful young woman whom I love very much, and is a helicopter pilot in the Navy. She's just come back from a war zone and will be returning there in a couple of months. Whilst she was away, she asked me if I'd paint something for her to remind her of home. her mum sent me some images of places in Wales where she loves, and I chose this image to paint:

Here's the pencil outline:

I decided to try a slightly different technique with this painting, and go for a more impressionistic style rather than my usual detailed style, as I thought the image would lend itself to it:

It proved quite challenging, as I kept wanting to use a teeny tiny brush and paint individual flakes of rock, but I wanted to finish it before she finished her tour of duty!

I finally let myself use the teeny tiny brush, to put in some detail in of the flakes and cracks in the rocks. here's the finished article, and the good news is that Rachael loves it:

Thursday 14 June 2012

Altair and Ezio finished

I forget that small paintings don't take all that long - these took about 3 hours each from start to finish, less than the time it took me to draw out Guitaroo Man!

Here are the finished paintings - Danny received them yesterday and from the email photo I received, he's very happy with them!

If anyone is interested in ordering one of these, they are £30 each with postage and packing on top of that.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Altair and Ezio for Danny

Its someone called Danny's birthday today, I was asked to paint him something from Assassin's Creed for his birthday by someone who loves him.

We narrowed it down to a couple of screen shots, but when I cropped and enlarged the images, the quality was too poor to paint from. I had a think and decided to paint his two favourite characters instead.

Here are the source images:


I decided to paint them on A4 canvas board, so he could decide how he wanted to frame them.

Here's the pencil outlines:

Well, not quite accurate - I had started painting Altair before I remembered to take a photo!

I remembered with Ezio though!

I'll post some more pictures of them tomorrow, after I've painted some more of Guitaroo Man.

Friday 8 June 2012

Key rings and zip pulls

I'm going to PAX PRIME this year, and as always, I'm part of the Buttoneering people amongst other things. I decided to make some key rings and zip pulls as well as the badges of my avatar, just for a change. 

I made them using shrinkles and permanent inks, then the connecting of the bits together made me really appreciate the skills of my friend Liger who makes chain maille available here

My hands are sore, but here's the results:

I might make some TARDIS ones as well, not decided if my fingers can cope!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Guitaroo Man yellows done

I've decided to paint this colour by colour, rather than from left to right, as there are so many small areas of colour.

Here's it with the yellow bits done:

Whole thing:

Close-up Left:

Close-up right:

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Guitaroo Man inked in

I've done the inking in of the two main characters now, and expect to start painting on Thursday morning. On this image, I missed one of the feet off, I've corrected it now (whoops)!

Whole thing:

Close-up left:

Close-up right:

Monday 4 June 2012

Guitaroo Man pencil outline

Here's the finished pencil outline - it has taken about 8 hours to do, as its so detailed. This is for Jessie, who wants the logo and title on the image.

My next step will be to ink in the main characters outlines before i start painting.

I'll probably paint it the same way as I did Darkwing Duck, one colour at a time rather than from the top left down to the bottom right, as the background is very detailed.

Whole thing:

Close-up right:

Close-up left: